Whose Grass is Greenest?

March 1, 2017 0 Comments 2 tags

As a new interactive map shows the world’s most environmentally friendly people, we explore the climate change heroes and villains based on CO2 emissions, energy consumption, waste and air pollution. 

Climate Change and Dementia – Connecting the Dots

climate change
January 18, 2017 0 Comments 1 tag

One of the most heinous issues of concern in contemporary times is climate change and its disastrous effects on the global environment. The consequences of climate change is an impending

Drought Draught

January 10, 2017 0 Comments 1 tag

As the world continues to warm and the climate continues to change, different parts of the globe will experience different effects. For example, in Toronto, a spate of hot, sticky

The Truth Behind The Climate Change Conspiracy: It Is Not A Conspiracy

Climate Change Conspiracy
October 17, 2016 0 Comments 5 tags

For decades, Big Oil has been spreading various rumors about the conspiracy theory behind the claims of environmentalists and scientists who warned us about the direct interlinkages between fossil fuel


September 9, 2016 0 Comments 5 tags

The Sundarbans, the earth’s largest mangrove delta and home to the indigenous Bengal tiger is facing a grave crisis. Every year, entire islands are being submerged by the rising sea

Common Environmental Issues But Need To Sorted Out

July 15, 2016 0 Comments 3 tags

In everyday life we are facing the effect of global warming which are unbearable for the human not only unbearable but also causes death of huge amount of people. Recently

Supertyphoon Haiyan/Yolanda Didn’t Wipe Out Everything: An Eco Editorial

Supertyphoon Yolanda
January 22, 2014 0 Comments 5 tags

upertyphoon Yolanda (international name Haiyan) almost the eclipsing the entire Philippines. Photo Credit: Some rights reserved by NASA Goddard Photo and Video via Flickr. On November 8 super-typhoon Yolanda (international

From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: Electricity’s Great Transformation

Fossil Fuels
January 11, 2014 0 Comments 4 tags

Photo Credit: Some rights reserved by ajari via Flickr. “A once-in-a-century transformation.” These are the words Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), used in

Interesting Ways to Study Climate Change

climate change
September 30, 2013 0 Comments 3 tags

From exacerbating extreme weather events to endangering our favorite foods, the effects of climate change are widespread and readily observed. This has provided scientists with a great range of data

DOE Proposes Safeguards for ‘Climate-Resilient’ Energy Sector

July 17, 2013 0 Comments 2 tags

It is no coincidence that the energy sector, which has contributed much to altering Earth’s atmosphere, is itself now in danger from climate change. From fuel transport to thermoelectric power