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About The Environmental Blog

The Environmental Blog started in early 2007 from an awakening and interest in environmental issues. We strive to provide information on every aspect of green living, green technology, climate change, green energy, etc. Our goal is to provide our readers with a source of knowledge that can be used in everyday life to help make this world a greener place.

With our blog, we want to get readers involved – in community events, daily changes in habits, and local, national, and international dialogues that directly influence the ‘green movement’. We can all do something in our lives to help produce the change we want in our system. We can reduce our consumption, we can improve our health, and we can find green alternatives to things that aren’t so environmentally friendly to begin with.

The time for action is now. There has never been a day that is more important than today. The Environmental Blog is reaching out to the world by delivering more content from people like you. We invite you to write for us, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. The further our message is spread around Internet and the world, the better our chances of promoting positive change.

As The Environmental Blog continues to evolve, we will continue looking onward to broadening the number of contributors to provide an extensive range of ideas from every part of the country and the world.

Green Karma

If you link to us from your green blog, website, or online business we will Follow You and Mention you on Twitter, Like and Mention you on our Facebook page. Just shoot us an email with the URL and site details.

If you have some art, graphics, or photography that you’d like us to feature in a blog post, we would most certainly be honored to use it for one of our posts with attribution to you. Our site uses high resolution images, at least 650 pixels wide and around 450 pixels tall. It would help A LOT if you could accomodate that ratio when submitting your work.

Where We’re From

We are based in Portland, Oregon in the Pearl District. Oregon is my favorite state in the US, and I’m allowed to say that since I voluntarily moved to it. Portland and most of Oregon’s cities have an incredible sense of community and strong voices for the environmental movement.

Guest Submission Opportunities

We accept guest blogs and sponsored blogs. We want to give voices to those who have something to say, especially to other green bloggers who may not have a large audience. Read our guest post submission page to learn more on requirements.

Advertisements on This Site

As you may have noticed…there are advertisements on this site. They are mostly standard Google Adsense Ads which automatically generate an ad based on the content of this site or based off the cookies in YOUR browser. Having ads on a site sucks…but what tiny money we make from them is used to keep the site running. We have to pay for a dedicated server which is much more expensive than shared hosting, and of course, for our writers and small marketing budget. We hope you don’t mind the placement of these ads and we really hope you continue to come back the The Environmental Blog for our updates.

Stay Green =)
