Advertise With Us

Replace the 468×60 banner below every article on our site for only $50 USD per month. This space will not be shared with other advertisers. Email for prices in other locations.

We will offer discounts to those who inquire about long term purchases of this ad space.

Our Audience

+10,000 Unique Page Views per month
+5,000 Facebook Fans
+5,000 Twitter Followers
+1,000 Google+ Followers

Custom Ads

We also offer custom ads for your unique and custom needs. Email us with your inquiries and we will accommodate you as best as we can. JT[at] All link requests follow Google Guidelines and will have the rel=NO-FOLLOW attribute added.

Sponsored Posts

In addition to traditional ads, we offer sponsored posts for advertisers who want a permanent article on our site for a one-time fee.

Are you a Non-Profit?
If you are an environmental non-profit, we will publish a uniquely written guest post for free after review of topic and title.

Your post will display a small image at the end of the article indicating the post is sponsored exactly like the one here:

The links in your post back to your company/campaign will be made NO-FOLLOW per Google Guidelines. You may provide us with keyword tags if you provide them.

Writing a sponsored post for our site is a great way to increase exposure for your environmental project, company, or eco-business, etc.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please include in the subject line: Sponsored Post
  • Please try to make the post at least at 500 words long.
  • Please keep it about the environment. If you are unsure, please send me an email before you write something.
  • We reject low quality or poorly written sponsored posts with spammy links so please make sure it’s readable and interesting.

Examples of rejected Sponsored Post Topics Include:

  • Light Bulb Designs – Light bulbs use energy, but people don’t come to The Environmental Blog to read about light bulb design.
  • Latest Green Drilling Techniques – Nice try. Just because you add the word green to your topic title doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for our site or our readers.
  • Electronic Cigarettes – Not exactly a good fit for our audience. Smoking is bad and we don’t like to promote any kind of smoking … even if it may somehow be more environmentally friendly.
  • I’ll keep updating this list as funny ones come in…standby

Sponsored Videos

A sponsored video is a video you want us to post on our site to help promote your brand or campaign. Simply provide us with the link to the video and a brief explanation of what the video is about. A sponsored video is only $25 USD.

Submit your posts to JT[at]

Social Media Sponsorship

$5 gets you 6 tweets over 5 days. You provide the tweet text. Note – we will add the hashtag #ad.

Other Ideas…let us know. We are active on Tumblr, Google +, Twitter, and Facebook.
