fuel alternative

fuel alternative

There is a lot of debate out there about the impact of human activity on the environment. However, what’s not at debate is that there are options available to individuals in making choices for more sustainable energy consumption. With the rising fuel costs and global events leading the nightly news, if you’re wondering how you can make a difference and lower your energy costs simultaneously, you should consider alternative energy sources.

Price increases alone should spur interest and demand in pursuing alternative energy sources. Additionally, with the recent news that saw Hurricane Ian decimate parts of southwestern Florida, the discussion of correlations between human activity and environmental impacts is front-of-mind. A follow-up study debates whether the severe precipitation was enhanced by human activity or not concerning Hurricane Ian. Regardless of the reasons behind the increased severity of Hurricane Ian, the damage was widespread.

What is easily understood is that natural resources like gas and oil are increasing in price and quickly diminishing in supply. This doubles the fuel costs, which negatively impacts all aspects of modern living, from fuel costs to heating costs, food costs, and the production of goods. The severe precipitation, high-force winds, and storm surges caught many Floridians flat-footed. Finding alternatives to traditional energy consumption is crucial to continuing our modern way of life.

Alternative Energy as a Resource

Finding energy alternatives that emit fewer byproducts while fueling our consumption needs is the goal of a clean energy company. Clean energy companies derive their energy from natural sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. The impacts on the environment in producing power are minimal, and the byproducts of consumption are substantially less than with traditional fossil fuels.

As the interest, demand, and usage of alternative clean energy sources continue to grow, new technologies will be developed and implemented, accelerating their usage and effectiveness. If you’re considering options to switch from your utility company to a clean energy company, there are some things to consider first.

Green Pricing and Green Certificates 

Some utility companies offer “green pricing” rebates that allow consumers to pay a small premium in exchange for energy generated from sustainable sources. In other parts of the United States, your utility company allows you to choose the type of energy produced and who produces it, giving the consumer greater control over their energy consumption. Think about this similar to when AT&T was broken up from “Ma Bell” to various companies and services, allowing for greater market competition and lowering consumer prices.

The advantage here is that the individual consumer and businesses can shop around for their energy needs, providing greater flexibility in where they receive their power from and how it’s generated, and most importantly, at what cost they’d like to pay for those services. In other parts where shopping for alternatives to traditionally produced power is not an option, there are known as “green certificates” that can be purchased. The way a green certificate works is that for a power company, they can buy the credits that alternative power companies produce, lowering the power company’s carbon.

Consider It an Investment

It’s like buying stocks on the Nasdaq. As an investor, you don’t usually possess the physical stock. Instead, you’re buying the rights to the stock and then can trade them as if you owned them. Additionally, states like California are pushing for more alternative fuel options in their power grid and in consumer usage. There are a lot of tax advantages provided by the state, as well as regulations that ban the sale of gas-powered cars in the state by 2035. Following suit, other states like Washington have announced similar rules and laws aimed at more sustainable power consumption.

As traditional fossil fuels continue to put a burden on societies and their volatility continues to rise due to global demand and dwindling production, as well as the potential for environmental impacts, what’s clear is there is a growing need to consider and develop alternative fuel options. Clean energy companies, partnering with global initiatives and local governments, are creating more sustainable energy options that may be more affordable and impact the environment positively than fossil fuels.

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