

It is so important that we all take on some of the responsibility for caring for – perhaps even saving – our planet. There are lots of little (and some big) things we can do on a daily basis that means we can protect what we have, make it better, and keep it safe for future generations so that they can enjoy the planet too. Your home is perhaps the best place to really make a difference, as if we all followed some simple ideas, the change would be a big one. So what exactly can you do to make your home more eco-friendly?

Use Less Water

Water is something that the majority of us take for granted, but if it wasn’t freely available anymore, you would realize just how important it really is. If you can save water around your home, then you can offer the world a more sustainable state to be in. It’s not hard, either – you barely even need to think about it.

  • Turn off faucets when you are brushing your teeth or shaving
  • Install low flow showerheads
  • Check for leaks and if you find them get them fixed as quickly as possible
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Only use your laundry and dishwashing machines when they are full – half loads are a waste of water

As you can see, saving water is easy to do, and something you can start today.

Install Solar Panels

If you are looking to make a big change that will help you in all kinds of ways, as well as turning your home into an eco-friendly one, then installing solar panels could be exactly what you need. Solar panels are installed on the roof of your home and they convert sunlight into energy. The best thing about this energy is that is it considered ‘clean’ and therefore it won’t harm the environment. Solar panels can be installed on most properties, and are a long-term investment that can truly help the planet. Check out Going Solar and their guide to solar power to really get more in-depth information about this renewable source of energy.

Make Repairs

If you know that you are using energy (perhaps you have a high electricity bill, or you have a meter that tells you exactly what you are using on a daily basis) but can’t tell where that energy is being used, or you feel that you are using far too much, then check your home to see if any repairs need to be made.

Insulation is a big issue when it comes to keeping your energy bills down – if it is damaged or simply inefficient because it is old or was never good enough, to begin with, then you may find that you are losing heating through the insulation, meaning that your home has to work harder to be heated, and you end up with a large bill. Fix the insulation, and you will pay less, and as a bonus, it will be better for the environment because you are using less energy.

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