Green finance for sustainable future- significance, threats and challenges to it

August 24, 2017 0 Comments 4 tags

“The events of heat waves, floods and glaciers melting have been extreme during past some years due to global warming caused by continue emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHSs)”, Petteri Taalas,

Six UK Coastal ‘Canaries in the Mine’ Species Highlight Risk from Climate Change

September 7, 2013 0 Comments 2 tags

United Kingdom’s increasingly dynamic coastline is putting wildlife and habitats at risk. This is the key finding of a recently released study from the National Trust, reports The Guardian. UK’s coastline is

First Victims of Global Warming

global warming
May 11, 2011 0 Comments 2 tags

Well here we have it, Global Warming has officially swallowed an entire island… Rising ocean levels, caused by global warming (which is causing glaciers to melt), will soon make 70,000