
We take it for granted, but the soil in our gardens, as well as across forests, woodlands, parks and other open spaces, is incredibly important.

How many of us give the soil beneath our feet a second thought? But more importantly, how many of us act to ensure that soil is the nutritionist substances plants, shrubs, trees, animals and insects need?

Different Types of Soil

In order for different plants and trees to survive, there needs to be different kinds of soil, from heavy, clay-laden soil to lighter, sandier soils.

And for this to happen, it needs plenty of organic matter and soil friendly bugs and insects. But there are two other important elements and it is these that can be out of balance; water and air or, more correctly, the lack of water and air.

Parched soil is useless to any plant, and no insect would want to live there either. And with no water to bind it together, it is picked up and carried on the breeze.

Heavy, compact soil with no air in it, is too tough and dense for anything to survive in it. And that means, no prized blooms or abundant crops.

Soil Solutions

But, with only the tiniest bit of help from us, the soil beneath our feet can be full of goodness, perfect for growing anything from flowers to the biggest trees.

Find out how you can make the best of the soil in your garden with this fantastic infographic, Secrets of the Soil.


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