What’s It Like to Clean Up Crime Scenes?

It might sound simply grisly to the inexperienced. After a crime has occurred, first the police and paramedics show up. They assess the situation, collect evidence, take samples, and sometimes inadvertently add to the mess. Crime scenes occur in stores, homes, and even public places. Companies such as 11th Hour Clean show up to clean a crime scene once police and forensics have done their job so that they can be sanitized and returned to their original glory. So, what does cleaning up a crime scene actually entail and how can people interested in getting into the industry get started?

Crime Scenes
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The Initial Assessment

All crime scenes are different, but it’s really the details that crime scene cleanup technicians want to know. For instance, a crime scene where a shooting took place might need to be cleaned of blood while also being repaired for bullet holes. Generally, crime scene cleanup crews learn about a new job that they need to report to as soon as possible and receive a report providing them with the pertinent details. They’ll get the address that they need to report to, as well as enough information to make cleanup a snap.

Protecting Your Health

In addition to rubber gloves, crime scene cleanup technicians have to work to protect their health and against contaminating clean environments. A full rubber suit may need to be worn on the scene of many jobs, as well as ventilators. Remember that technicians clean up biological matter that might be hazardous, decayed, or present a health hazard to the public. Since someone needs to clean it up, it has to be cleaned in a way that will make the location safe for people to come and use as they did before the crime.

Using the Right Tools and Chemicals

You won’t find feather dusters in the hands of crime scene cleanup technicians. Instead, they’ll show up suited up in personal protective gear and have a couple of generously sized containers of cleaning solution in hand. You’ll also find crime scene cleanup technicians with a clipboard and pen and perhaps a camera to document the scene and show what everything looks like once they’re done. The solvents that are used to clean up messy crime scenes aren’t sold to everyday people. On the other hand, crime scene cleanup involves complete decontamination, so there are no harsh chemicals left once the cleaning process is done.

No college degree is needed to become a crime scene cleanup technician. However, hiring companies do look for certain personality types. You need to be a go-getter who is available during all hours. New hires also need to go through training so that they are able to prove that they can handle cleanup jobs on their own. You may also need to be able to drive a van so that a larger sized crew can be transported to various jobs. If you have an interest in criminal justice, this may be a good career path for you to become personally involved in.

Estel Masangkay

I am a freelance creative writer based in the “valley city” of Olongapo near the neighboring Subic Bay Freeport Zone in The Philippines.I enjoy outdoor trips and activities in natural settings and I am passionate about animal welfare and environmental conservation.You can connect with me via my social networks:Facebook Twitter g+

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