spring garden

spring garden

Spring time is almost here, which means that you can forget about the grey winter and once again enjoy a garden full of colourful blooms. For the green-fingered, the end of winter/beginning of spring is the perfect time to start preparing your garden for the sowing and nurturing that the new season will bring.

Here are some ways that you can begin to prep for bringing your garden to life this spring:

Remove Traces of the Winter

Winter is normally a quiet season for the garden, so you should take the opportunity to tidy up before the busy spring time hits. This is a good time for deadheading flowers, and for removing and composting any dead plants from the winter season along with tidying up your perennial plants – although they never quite go dormant, keeping them trimmed can encourage new growth.

Start your weeding early, it’s better to be proactive rather than tackling the problem later on. Plus, the damp soil makes it easier to remove young weed seedlings. You could also add some mulch to your garden that will create a barrier to suppress the growth of weeds, as well as helping the soil keep its moisture.

Spring Clean Your Garden

Make the exterior of your home, including your garden paths, patio and furniture, looking spotless with a pressure washer or jet washer, available to buy from SGS. You’ll find plenty of other uses for it too, but they’re perfect for giving your garden a spring clean, ready for showing off your new blooms.

You should also think about:

  • Sweeping away any plant debris
  • Disinfecting the benches and glass of your greenhouse to prevent pests and disease
  • Washing your pots and seed trays
  • Cleaning your gardening tools thoroughly

Start Planting Early

When planning which flowers, plants and vegetables you’re going to plant in the spring, consider the seeds that need a longer growing season. It’s not too early to sow your seeds for geraniums, begonias, peppers or aubergines so that they’ll be ready for when your other plants are beginning to flower.

Don’t forget to give your soil a bit of TLC before you begin planting. Use a pitchfork to turn the soil over, clear away any weeds and add some fresh compost a couple of weeks in advance so it has time to mix in properly.


Shake off the winter blues and reinvigorate your garden, ready for the flurry of sowing and nurturing in the spring. If you start preparing your garden now, you can enjoy a beautiful garden in full bloom when the new season is in full swing.

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