Bats Benefit the Environment

April 19, 2021 0 Comments 4 tags

The British government began passing laws to protect bats back in 1980s, starting with the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981. British bat species are also protected by European legislation

Most Irreplaceable Sites for Conserving Global Biodiversity

January 19, 2014 0 Comments 8 tags

Palawan, Philippines’ “Last Ecological Frontier”, is among the IUCN list of most irreplaceable protected sites in the world. Photo Credit: Some rights reserved by nennnn via Flickr. A new study

How Private Companies are Key to Saving Brazil’s Other Forest

July 17, 2013 0 Comments 1 tag

Big Business and Biodiversity When the Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral first reached the coast of present-day Brazil in April 1500, he found a paradise. Waiting ashore was a vast