The Inconvenient Truth about Wood Heat – Why it Must be Done Responsibly

July 1, 2017 0 Comments 7 tags

Heating with wood burning stoves has been a popular method of keeping warm since the industrial era. In the United States over one million people use them and with thousands

What Impact Could President Trump Have on US Air Pollution?

air polution
March 8, 2017 0 Comments 1 tag

Ever since the Clean Air Act was amended in 1990, air quality in the USA has continued to improve. Based on the latest scientific and technological research, the act instructs

Indoor Air pollution

indoor air pollution
January 25, 2017 0 Comments 2 tags

We are well aware of dust, smoke and the harmful hazards that are caused by pollution. It is very necessary to learn how to control air pollution because if we

Nairobi’s air pollution should worry many!

Nairobi’s air pollution
November 2, 2016 0 Comments 2 tags

She used to be a fan of early mornings. The sound of the crow was a reminder that a new dawn was upon her. A day to let her shoes