What is the goal of HIE?

What is the goal of HIE?

healthcare industry

The healthcare industry continues to benefit from technological advances that improve the quality and efficiency of patient care. This is also helping to advance the digital healthcare system worldwide. The healthcare industry has seen significant improvements in the use of telehealth, electronic medical records and mobile technology.

Due to the growing demand for a more efficient healthcare system, healthcare professionals are increasingly looking for electronic health information exchange.

Electronic health information exchange (HIE), which allows patients, doctors, pharmacists, and other health care providers to securely access vital information about patients electronically, improves the quality, safety, and cost of patient care, and makes it easier for them to share their information.

HIE Organization Vision:

Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association revealed that the transmission of patient data through Health Information Exchange (HIE), does not depend only on the technical aspects, but also on the policies that facilitate data exchange. Most countries are now focusing on developing new policies to facilitate data exchange via their HIE systems.

Organizations must first define their goals and align stakeholders before they can create an HIE. Then, they need to focus on the components that make information exchange possible.

The exchange of health information allows doctors, nurses and patients to electronically exchange vital information with greater speed, security and cost. HIE solutions are being developed by many companies that allows for health information exchange. Some HIEs can be run by private firms, while others are managed by state governments. Some states have multiple HIEs within their state.

Goal and Value of HIE Software

Globally, the health information exchange market is being driven by a growing patient-centric approach, increased EHR adoption, and increased focus on reducing healthcare costs.

Different countries are working together to create a safer and more secure infrastructure for information exchange in the health sector. The Office of National Coordinator of Health IT states that there are over 100 HIEs in the US. An increasing number of healthcare providers are joining multiple HIEs in order to collect information about patients. The HIE implementation process is being slowed down by a lack of resources in low- and middle-income countries.

Integrated System for improving patient outcomes

A practice that has successfully integrated faxing patient information into its business process flow might wonder why it should move to electronic health information interchange. Information exchange has many benefits, regardless of how it is transferred.

The key benefit of electronic exchanging information is standardization. The data can be seamlessly integrated into the electronic health record (EHR) of the recipients once it is standardized, further improving patient care.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are the first step in facilitating the exchange of medical data. EHRs are being used by more and more service providers. EHRs are believed to increase provider productivity, improve patient outcomes, and lower practice costs. The ehr software effect on healthcare is evident in the increased efficiency of medical record-keeping and enhanced patient care coordination.
Although small practices might find the thought of converting to EHR daunting, technical and financial support is available.

Bring Low-Cost System

An electronic health record is a digital version of a paper record. This allows for faster communication, clinical decision-making, and recall. EHR can change the way a practice communicates. EHR allows for instant access to patient data, and the ability to redesign workflows. As such, the overall ehr software effect on healthcare is extremely beneficial. It will even lower transcription costs and allow for easier identification of patients with particular needs and conditions.

E-prescribing, another aspect of this, is possible. E-prescribing allows physicians to electronically send a clear, error-free prescription to their pharmacy. This program is only possible with the help of Health Information Exchange (HIE). HIE technology will allow organizations to securely share health information.

Faciliate Communication and EHR system

A national health information exchange (HIE program) will improve communication between health care providers, staff and patients. This program will bring about fundamental changes in the health system. HIE implementation will ensure that every patient receives the best care possible. HIE will improve health outcomes, increase patient satisfaction, lower health care costs, and enhance provider satisfaction.

HIE’s foundation is built on a solid EHR system. An EHR system typically contains the following components: the history and demographics, the clinical notes of a physician, a complete list of medications and allergies, and computerized prescription orders. EHR allows the patient to view laboratory and imaging results electronically.

High financial investments, workflow design requirements and increased training time for staff are some of the factors that can limit HIE’s application. HIE support will likely require additional staffing in health care facilities.

HIE will be able to create a database of patient information that will allow for better coordination and communication between health care providers regarding shared patients if these obstacles can be overcome. Both patients and care providers will benefit from the overall outcome.

Final Words:

HIE programs that are successful will produce patient data that can easily be shared, tracked and analyzed by doctors and other health care providers. Health care organizations need to assess their readiness before they embark on HIE deployment.

They need to assess their readiness and determine if they have the right technology. To determine where staff needs to be added, they should examine the current organization structure. They should also identify potential medical trading partners.

Health Information Exchange (HIE), has the potential for a fundamental change in the way we receive and provide medical care. It can prevent fatal medical errors and save lives. It is no wonder that governments around the globe are encouraging this practice.

Medical errors that could have been avoided can cost lives for thousands of patients. Medical errors account for more deaths than motor accidents, AIDS and breast cancer. Eighty percent of these errors are caused by miscommunication. It’s time to create a system that is more responsible and allows for better communication.

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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