energy saving

energy saving

In recent years the plight of our planet is becoming an increasingly popular topic. This is because more people are becoming aware of the damage being done to the planet. Of course, the global pandemic has also increased awareness of the issue and is potentially forcing economic recovery plans to be environmentally focused.

However, as with most things in life, it is often the small details that make a big difference. Every person on the planet can help to save it by saving energy. This is easier to do than you may think:

It starts with getting your local electrician Sydney to check your electrics and ensure they are safe and you don’t have electric leakage. This is when your electricity is literally going straight into the earth, costing you money for no benefit.

You should also look at improving your insulation, this will reduce the amount of energy you need to use to heat or cool your home. Alongside this, the amount of energy you use can probably be reduced by doing simple things, such as turning lights off, not leaving products on standby, and thinking before using the washing machine or dishwasher.

How Saving Energy Helps The Environment

Approximately 75% of Australia’s electricity is generated in coal-powered stations. Another 16% is created using natural gas. In short, over 90% of the electricity created in the country relies on fossil fuels.

When you realize this it suddenly becomes obvious why reducing energy usage saves the environment. If everyone uses just a little less energy it will make a dramatic difference to the amount of fossil fuels being burned.

That means fewer fossil fuels will be removed from the planet’s already depleted supply. In addition, fewer fossil fuels being burned means fewer emissions going into the environment. As the side effects from burning fossil fuels contribute to global warming, reducing the amount burned is going to help the planet.

Even if the energy you use is generated by ‘clean’ energy sources such as solar, wind, or even hydro-power, there is a cost to create these systems. All manufacturing processes produce emissions that pollute the air that you breathe and help toward global warming.

How To Save Energy

The biggest and easiest thing you can do is turn things off when you are not using them. This doesn’t mean putting them on standby. Turn them off completely or unplug them, this will reduce the energy your house uses.

In addition, you should consider what electricity you use regularly and how it can be reduced, such as turning your heating down a degree or cooling up. You can also swap to energy-efficient light bulbs and you should ensure your house has as much insulation as possible as this makes the biggest difference to your energy consumption.

Adding timers to devices that need to be on for long periods, such as water heaters, can help to reduce the amount of energy they use while still giving you hot water. Simply walking around your home daily to see what energy is being used will help you to see where you can save money.

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