5 things to consider

Architects and designers will be the first to tell you that it’s hard to beat the beauty, warmth, and elegance of hardwood floors. They create a style and rich ambiance that is beyond the reach of other types of flooring.

One hardwood flooring has single handedly expanded the possibilities of how creative hardwood floors can ultimately be. Infused with a special acrylic resin, this unique hardwood flooring dramatically outperforms regular hardwoods in these key areas:

  • 300% More Durable Than Standard Wood Flooring – This type of engineered, acrylic-infused hardwood flooring from Nydree Flooring transforms beautiful natural wood into much stronger flooring that lasts much longer than regular hardwood flooring.
  • Design Flexibility – Acrylic infused hardwood flooring is not just for floors. Extremely flexible in design, widths and textures, Nydree hardwoods are available in different textures, widths, and limitless color-matching options for different cladding effects on wall, ceilings, and floors. Deceptively thin, acrylic infused hardwood flooring is strong and durable enough to be beveled and mitered to achieve the desired effects.

The helpful infographic below from Nydree Flooring illustrates the “5 Things You Need to Consider When Selecting Commercial Flooring for High-Traffic Areas.” Learn why acrylic-infused hardwood flooring is a solid investment that will pay dividends for years to come.

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