Ideas For Getting Your Staff To Be More Environmentally Friendly

Environmentally Friendly

People are busy at work. Being more environmentally friendly isn’t always on the top of their minds. That’s why it’s a good idea for you to introduce your employees to the topic and get their take on it. Explain why it’s so important and matters to you and your business.

Guide and teach them, and allow them to want to help out on their own. Maybe they’ve never thought much about it. Or perhaps they have suggestions on the topic, but no one’s ever asked them about it before. Come to the table ready to share ideas about how you think your staff can contribute to the cause.

Start A Committee

Your good ideas will slowly fade if no one’s fully committed to making changes. Do this by putting together a committee that focuses on spreading the word and implementing changes that make the office more green. Select someone to be in charge and attend as many meetings as possible to show your support. Let them take the lead and come up with ways for getting everyone more involved in improving the environment. Observe how your office slowly adapts to new green solutions.

Involve IT

One group that should be involved with your mission is the IT Department. There are going to be instances when computers and systems crash. Instead of throwing away any equipment, encourage IT to seek out a company who can get the information back and avoid any waste. You’ll also want to stop using paper documentation and transition data to the cloud. This migration is great for the environment because it cuts down on paper usage. By storing data online, your business as a whole is more environmentally friendly. If you migrate your data, though, and ever experience issues, check out data recovery prices online for when you need to use them in the future. This company will retrieve your data and help you save the environment one hard drive at a time.

Encourage Employees to Walk or Bike to Work

Let the staff know there are ways for them to start helping your cause today. Suggest that they save their fuel and walk or bike to work instead. The fewer people who are driving to work, the less pollution that goes into the air. Make it clear that each time they choose this way of transportation it helps, but that they don’t have to do it all the time. Participate with them and schedule a day of the week when everyone walks or bikes together.

Use Technology more

Remind everyone that they have their own computer and that the less paper that’s used and printed, the better it is for the environment. Offer suggestions like taking notes on the computer screen, projecting agendas for meetings and sharing files online. There are so many ways that technology will help you and your staff avoid having to write or print on paper. In addition, work with IT to review what business processes can be moved online going forward.


Becoming more environmentally friendly isn’t automatic for most people. That’s why you have to be proactive and lead the office in your quest to be green. Hopefully, they’ll be receptive, and you’ll be able to make a noticeable dent in helping to save the planet.

Erica Silva

Erica Silva is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Find her on Twitter:@ericadsilva1

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