eco living

eco living

You’re up-to-date with the latest air pollution stats, you’ve seen the photos of overflowing landfill sites and you’ve read every article you can find about climate change’s effect on rising global temperatures.

You don’t need to be persuaded or reasoned with – you’re totally aware of the environment’s precarious standing and the work that needs to be done to stop the situation worsening.

But in the face of such a vast problem, knowing how to help isn’t easy.

Our advice? Instead of letting yourself become overwhelmed by the big picture, start with the basics and take responsibility for the environmental impact of your own actions.

If you’re ready to make a few green changes then have a read of our top five tips for adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle at home.

Cut meat from your diet

Livestock produces as much greenhouse gas emissions as all trucks, cars and automobiles combined, according to Greenpeace. That’s why they’re campaigning to get more people around the world converted to a plant-based diet.

But don’t worry if the thought of giving up Friday steak nights fills you with dread – you don’t have to completely cut out meat. Start by committing to two or three meat-free days a week and take it from there.

Stop buying products with microbeads

A major source of marine pollution, microbeads (small pieces of plastics found in many facial cleansers and beauty products) have become a focus for environmental campaigners.

The government is working towards banning microbeads from cosmetics, but until that comes into effect don’t buy items containing polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

Get crafty with upcycling

Whether turning some old t-shirts into cushion covers or transforming a disused crate into a new coffee table, upcycling is a great way of recycling at the same time as adding some personality to your interior decorating.

With a creative mindset and the right tools, like a quality contact adhesive and some repurposed wood, you can reduce waste and create your own pieces of functional art.

Take care of recycling

Recycle and reduce is your new mantra when it comes to dealing with waste. Separate household rubbish into groups (plastics, aluminium, paper, cardboard) so they can be taken care of appropriately by your local recycling centre, and put kitchen or garden waste into a compost bin.

When it comes to shopping, try to buy products with biodegradable packaging much as possible and avoid anything containing toxic or hazardous chemicals.

Swap your light bulbs

If your house is old and draughty with a heating and electrical system that hasn’t been updated in years, the costs of making your home energy-efficient will soon add up.

But you don’t need to do it all at once. Save up for the bigger renovations and start small by swapping to energy-efficient lightbulbs.

There you have it, five basic steps towards an eco-friendly home. Do you any other top tips for people looking to adopt a green lifestyle? Leave a comment and let us know.

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