The Inconvenient Truth about Wood Heat – Why it Must be Done Responsibly

July 1, 2017 0 Comments 7 tags

Heating with wood burning stoves has been a popular method of keeping warm since the industrial era. In the United States over one million people use them and with thousands

World’s Largest Solar Thermal Plant Nearing Completion in the Mojave Desert

August 15, 2013 0 Comments 4 tags

The Mojave Desert is home to lizards, rare desert tortoises, and yucca trees among others. Thanks to its elevation and climate, this desert region receives a reliable supply of sunlight

Brazilian Research to Develop Cheap Pesticide Biosensors

July 29, 2013 0 Comments 2 tags

When we think of biosensor contamination detection, we usually imagine expensive and sophisticated tech tools and laboratories. But a recently made research paper may provide a turnaround for this concept,

Drop-in Biofuels: The Good, the Bad, and the Missed Opportunity

July 22, 2013 0 Comments 1 tag

A lot of effort and investment are going right now into making drop-in biofuels the next star of environmentally friendly fuels. Very similar to petroleum in structure, these next-generation biofuels

Research Suggest Cattail as Insulating Material

July 18, 2013 0 Comments 1 tag

The cattail, or the Typha, is a plant that is has been long known to human civilization for thousands of years. The plant has served several uses throughout the ages,