Clean Energy: Meeting the Demand for a Greener Future

March 26, 2017 0 Comments 2 tags

It is hard to argue with the consensus that there is widespread support for using renewable energy, particularly solar and wind energy which lead the way by being able to

Converting Waste into Renewable Energy

waste management
February 27, 2017 0 Comments 2 tags

Waste is not just waste, and it is not only just garbage. Many waste products can be recycled and reused so they can be once again turned into useful products.

Farmers and Landowners Are The First To Benefit From The Renewable Energy Boom

October 18, 2016 0 Comments 5 tags

The recent boom in renewable energy use is a great sign for humanity’s future. But the benefits of reducing carbon emissions and switching to sustainable energy are expected over the

Going off the Grid: Is it Right for You?

September 1, 2016 0 Comments 4 tags

Instability in the economy has caused more and more people to pursue a more sustainable lifestyle and live off the grid. Living off the grid means you do not rely

How Combined Heat & Power can help create a greener UK

green energy
August 18, 2016 0 Comments 2 tags

Global warming continues to concern headlines, government discussions, strategies and the media. What is increasingly important is focusing on the ways we can to come together in order to reduce

Wind Turbine Arrangement Increases Efficiency

December 19, 2013 0 Comments 2 tags

Wind Turbines in neat row arrangement. Photo Credit: Some rights reserved by Charles Cook via Flickr. A team of researchers has found a way to increase wind turbines’ efficiency by

DOE Proposes Safeguards for ‘Climate-Resilient’ Energy Sector

July 17, 2013 0 Comments 2 tags

It is no coincidence that the energy sector, which has contributed much to altering Earth’s atmosphere, is itself now in danger from climate change. From fuel transport to thermoelectric power