5 Strange Ways You Can Improve Your Health And That Of The Environment

5 Strange Ways You Can Improve Your Health And That Of The Environment


Modern society is stressful and demanding, which can lead to health problems for many people. Don’t forget about the damage to the planet from industry and pollution. Luckily, there are some ways you can play your part and improve your health. Now, these methods may seem a bit unusual, but they will be beneficial to both you and the planet.

  1. Embrace Minimalism

Living a minimalist life isn’t just something for hippies and another alternative folk. In fact, it is a growing trend throughout society. Decluttering yourself of unnecessary possessions and steering away from consumerism may benefit your emotional health and will leave less of an environmental footprint.

Perhaps the best benefit is that you will save heaps of cash and won’t feel like your possessions own you (rather than the other way round).

To learn more about living a frugal lifestyle have a read of preparednessmama.com.

  1. Get Gardening

Instead of just taking from the environment, consider giving something back. Planting trees and flowers will make your property look good, create an ideal place to relax, and help out mother nature.

Gardening is also relaxing and a good excuse to get some exercise outdoors.

  1. Opt For Baths Over Showers

There is an intensive bath vs. shower debate; however, if you frequently take long showers (over 15 minutes), then you may be better off taking a bath. Less water will be used this way and the environment, and your bank account will benefit. Multiple family members can also use the same bathwater.

While some people think baths are gross (soaking in your dirt), they have been shown to have a variety of health benefits. Taking one can help relieve muscle pain, reduce flu symptoms, and make it easier to fall asleep at night.

  1. Go Hiking

Getting out and about in the hills and forest is a great way to clear your head and unwind. Many outdoor enthusiasts swear that being out in nature boosts their mood and has a calming effect. Of course, you will also be getting some much-needed exercise.

Experiencing the beauty of the environment can also make you more determined to protect it when you do return home.

  1. Use Natural Cleaners

Harsh chemicals are found in many cleaning products. Once used these components can escape into the environment around us. Some chemicals have also been linked to health issues, such as allergies and skin conditions.

Keep in mind; you don’t need the latest hi-tech cleaning product to get results. Going old school will still allow you to effectively clean up your home. Natural products such as borax and vinegar are the way to go.


Too many people overlook their own physical and mental health, as well as that of the environment. By getting more in tune with their bodies and the nature around them, many people can experience significant benefits. So consider incorporating some of these strange methods into your life.

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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