The Future of Transportation is Green: A Pollution-Free World

transportation green

Nowadays, there seems to be no distance we cannot cover. We have cars to take us from towns to nearby cities. Ships to transport heavy cargo across oceans. We also have airplanes to take us from one country to another. We even have rockets to reach into the heavenly bodies surrounding our planet.

Unfortunately, our current transportation systems don’t seem to have a path to a pollution-free world. In fact, the transportation sector remains to be one of the most polluting bodies we have right now.

In the worst-case scenario, our modern transportation systems may no longer bring us any livable future at all.

Our current transportation systems are not as sustainable as we need them to be. For one, traveling and commuting alone contribute to around 20% of global CO2 emissions.

Not only that. Commuting has even become more of a hassle. More and more people move into already congested cities, bringing more and more cars to already traffic-laden streets.

And as traffic continues to worsen, fuel wastage also continues to increase. According to the US Department of Energy, over 1.3 billion gallons of fuel are wasted because of traffic. Such wasted fuel only contributes to more toxic emissions without even serving any purpose.

All of these problems require green and sustainable solutions. Fortunately, ingenuity has resulted in the creation of various sustainable transportation alternatives. Let’s start with the basic alternative we readily have.

Walking and biking are the most apparent compromise to sustainable transportation. They can get you to nearby places without having any carbon emissions.

For most of us, these skills feel like second nature. As early as a few months, we’re already taught to walk. And while biking is a much harder skill to master, most of us already learn it at toddler age.

Besides, these two options are very convenient. You don’t need too much maintenance. If you plan on walking, you can simply wear appropriate walking shoes and clothes. On the other hand, if you want to cycle, you simply need a bike to ride and cycling clothes to wear.

However, these options are only suitable for short distances. We still need transportation alternatives that can bring us from one place to another without sweating too much, which brings us to the next alternative.

Electric vehicles such as cars and buses cover longer distances with little-to-no carbon emissions. This transportation option runs solely on electric power stored on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. So, as long as you use clean energy to charge your vehicle’s battery, then you can certainly reduce your carbon footprint.

While electric cars and buses sure solve the problem with distance, it still doesn’t solve traffic and congestion. Cars can only transport a maximum of five people, but it already takes up so much road space. The more cars there are on the road, the heavier the traffic, and the more electric energy wasted on waiting.

You may argue that at least the wasted fuel won’t contribute to any carbon emissions. But wasted power is still a loss for you financially.

And speaking of financial matters, you should also know that electric vehicles are high maintenance. From purchase to maintenance, electric vehicles are pretty expensive.

Luckily, there is one option left to solve exhaustive commutes and traffic congestion.

E-bikes are modified bikes that allow you to cover longer distances without sweating out too much. It has its very own battery-powered motor, which provides additional power for each pedal you make. This additional power can even get you moving as fast as 20 mph on a bike!

Because you can rely on the battery’s power for added speed, you can still cover long distances without exerting too much effort. Thus, you can ride your e-bike to work without worrying about soiling your clothes or tiring yourself even before work starts.

Like electric vehicles, electric bikes also rely only on electrical energy stored in batteries. So, as long as your charging stations use green energy, your travels won’t contribute any carbon emissions.

Aside from getting you to places, e-bikes also solve traffic congestion. E-bikes can transport more people while still occupying less road space than cars. A study even shows how transporting 60 people via cars vs. bikes already makes a huge difference.

By solving the problem with long-distance commutes and traffic congestion, e-bikes are the most efficient green option for city-wide traveling.

The best part of having an electric bike as a transport buddy is that there is a wide variety of styles to choose from! So if you’re thinking of getting one of yours soon, we prepared a list of the most common types of e-bikes today:

Electric Mountain Bikes – Perhaps the most popular type of bicycle worldwide, an electric mountain bike or eMTB features a durable frame, grippy tires, and a powerful electric motor. Designed to triumph over the rugged trails of the mountains, an electric mountain bike is your best choice when you’re looking for extra fun and adventure.

Electric Road Bikes – This type of electric bike features a pair of skinny tires and a sleek, sturdy frame. Most electric road bikes have high-capacity batteries that can travel up to 80 miles on a single charge. So if you need a reliable transport mode for work, school, or any type of activity, electric road bikes are worth considering.

Step-Thru Electric Bikes – Showing off a classic step-thru frame, this particular type of e-bike is one of the crowd’s favorites. Its low-step frame makes it more accessible to riders with limited height and women in skirts or dresses. A step-thru electric bike is a good choice if you’re in for a casual and short trip around the city.

Folding Electric Bikes – Living in a crowded city can be challenging, especially when you’re struggling with limited apartment space. But worry no more because folding electric bikes know precisely how to solve that problem. With its convenient folding mechanism, a folding electric bike can save you so much storage space. Plus, it also features a lightweight frame for easy transport.

Cargo Electric Bikes – Electric cargo bikes are here for you if you need an e-bike that can carry your extra baggage when traveling. Every electric cargo bike features an extra powerful electric motor, extended rear rack, or a spacious front basket for storage. Compared to other electric bikes, cargo e-bikes have a higher loading capacity that can reach 300 lbs.

Nowadays, countless types of electric bikes have emerged to cater to the various needs of riders. Knowing how each one of these works is essential in choosing the best e-bike for yourself..

Since the beginning of time, movement and travel have always been a part of our lives. Unfortunately, if we continue with our current transportation systems, we may not have a healthy future to carry on with traveling.

Fortunately, we can walk or cycle to minimize carbon emissions. We also have electric vehicles in the form of cars and buses to cover long-distance travel and commutes. And to truly solve excessive carbon emissions, commute problems, and traffic congestion, we can use e-bikes.

But to truly make a positive impact, we must welcome these changes together as a community.

Article Contributed By Trevor Fenner

Trevor Fenner is the founder and owner of Electric Bike Paradise, a one-stop-shop for all your electric bicycle needs. He has been selling bicycles, electric bikes, and electric scooters online since 2010 and eventually established Electric Bike Paradise in late 2013 when he happened to meet a seller from Craiglist that introduced him to electric bikes. Ever since Trevor spent time searching for electric bikes online but couldn’t find a single website that offers a wide selection of bikes and informational articles. That is why he decided to start a website where everyone can shop conveniently, browse buying guides, and read educational posts. The website is called Electric Bike Paradise.

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