carbon footprint

As consumers become more aware of environmental issues, their behaviour is changing. In fact, a recent survey showed that 90% of Australians want to purchase sustainable and ethical products. For businesses, this shift in consumer behaviour shouldn’t be ignored. By incorporating more environmentally friendly processes and improving your green credentials, you can ensure that your business doesn’t suffer due to increased demand for sustainable products and services. With this in mind, take a look at these four ways to reduce your company’s carbon footprint:

carbon footprint

1. Conduct an Audit

Before you can make meaningful changes, you need to know exactly what energy you’re using and what your carbon footprint is. To access this information, you’ll need to conduct a comprehensive audit or commission one to be carried out for you. Once you have the data you need, you’ll be able to determine what changes are needed to make your business more eco-friendly.

2. Switch to Renewable Energy

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your company’s carbon footprint is to switch to renewable energy. With solar panels, for example, you can transform your company’s HQ into a sustainable, energy producing building. You can find Solar Panels Perth based with companies like Renew Energy. Renew Energy makes it easy for companies to make the shift, particularly as they’re always on hand with bespoke advice and assistance. Whether you’re running a small business or a global enterprise, they will assess your company’s needs and help you to find the best solutions for your firm.

3. Reduce Business Travel

If employees are required to travel regularly, it can have a considerable impact on your company’s carbon footprint. From air travel to attend global conferences to exhaust fumes from the daily commute, there are numerous ways that travel affects your business’s sustainability. However, now that remote working and virtual meetings are commonplace, it’s easier than ever to reduce the need for business travel. Not only can this save your company time and money, it can also drastically reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Introduce Recycling Strategies

Instead of sending trash to landfills, make it easy for employees to recycle what’s no longer needed. Recyclable waste can be collected alongside regular trash and you’ll often find that there are reduced rates available too. Once you’ve got a collection service in place, all you’ll need to do is ensure staff have access to separate bins for recyclable and non-recyclable trash.

However, don’t forget to engage your employees and get the motivated about embracing greener strategies. By doing so, you can maximise the impact of the changes you’re making and ensure that your efforts to create a greener business are successful.

Promoting Your Green Credentials

As you begin implementing your new green strategy, be sure to keep your customers updated and incorporate it into your marketing materials. Your target audience will only be aware that you’re a ‘green business’ if you tell them, so be sure to weave it into your brand development. When you do, you’ll find that your commitment to sustainability can bring commercial gains, as well as environmental benefits.

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